Creating a YouTube Video

Posted Friday, June 30th 2017 by Jason Ramsey
Tags: Post
One of my stretch goals is to continously be creating content for my personal brand (Jaseowns) as well as my business (ClickTET). I spent some time today creating my first screen cast for YouTube. I used OBS and recorded a quick tutorial about creating a host file shortcut. I have a few take aways that I'd like to talk about and what I want to improve going forward.

In order to start making progress on creating content, I'd like to start producing quick and easy tip vidoes related to tech. My first attempt at this ended up being
Easiest Way to Edit Host File Windows 10. I'm really excited about posting my first video but also already have a growing list of things that I'd like to improve for future videos.

Here are a few take aways of things I want to improve for next time:

  1. Improve recording video quality so text is easier to read

  2. Zoom in on the areas of focus (entering in Shortcut path is hard to read for example)

  3. Stay on point

  4. Add webcam view

  5. Add a question at the end

I'll be looking for any comments about how to improve future videos, so please let me know if you'd like to see something specific! is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️