UPDATE 01/01/2025: 2025 will be our year. Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be live stream days. Every Wednesday we will publish a new video. Check out the Discord for more info.
This weeks events:
Events on Thu Feb 06 2025:
Schedule History
12/18/2024: I'm back from a break during some company visits and my daughter being in the hospital. We should be back on the full-time streamer grind soon heading into 2025!
12/01/2024: We're in the last month of the year. We are a month into trying to work for ourselves and embrace full time streamer status. I have more company coming to town starting 12/10 however, we will be streaming 32 hours on the weekdays and 8 on the weekends. Check out the Discord for more info.
11/24/2024: We made it three weeks into the schedule. We have company in town now, but a new schedule will be announced December 1st. Check out the Discord for more info.
11/4/2024: I plan on streaming 3 times a day during the weekdays, 6-9am, 11am-2pm, and 6-9pm CST on YouTube and Twitch. We will focus on creating UO Content and building our personal brand for the future. We will try this schedule for three weeks and revaluate. I hope to see you there! is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️