It's been a minute (or 7 months) since a video upload... but here is a PSA to grab latest on gold drop off script. If you use *drop safe* with no parameters, your gold may disappear. Please update the script to use *drop safe -1 -1 -1* (this means any x,y,z instead of 0)
I fixed all the scripts that have this bug:
More videos coming soon...but check out the live streams ;)
š *Schedule* š
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 7pm to 9pm Texas time (GMT-5)
If you're interested in learning more about UO Outlands, check it out here:
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*About the game*
UO Outlands is a free-to-play Ultima Online shard loosely set in the T2A era which launched in October of 2018. Our mission from the onset has been to create a version of Ultima Online which enhances every aspect of gameplay, creating a shard which we believe emulates how Ultima Online should have always been had it stayed the course.
#Programming #YouTubeChatBot #UO #UltimaOnline #Outlands #RazorScripts #UORazorScripts #giveaway
0:00 Gold missing and what happens
1:38 Recreating in my own house
2:33 Too high but another example is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ā star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up š„ļøāļø