How the hell did I get 145,000+ visitors in 2020?
Posted Tuesday, December 15th 2020 by Jason Ramsey
Tags: Post
I've had my website for years now and it's always just been out there and rarely touched. I reviewed the analytics and I've actually had over 145,000+ visitors in 2020. How the hell did that happen?
TLDR: Meme Generator for [PH style logo](/dev/pornhub-logo-generator)
The main source of all my traffic relates to the page I created about a porn hub style logo generator. The page is very simple and just looks like the following:

This page ended up getting posted to reddit and shared around! Super exciting!
Now that I know it's been used, I really want to update this page to save what people enter and allow for an easier time saving the image they create. Hopefully this adds more value. What other logos might people want to re-create? Youtube, Google, New York Times? is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️