Adding Markdown and Syntax Highlight to My Blog

Posted Sunday, August 4th 2019 by Jason Ramsey
Tags: Post
There are hundreds of different places and frameworks to create and manage blog posts. I am still dealing with my own system because I like to re-write the wheel - however, I do want to take advantage of some great things people have created like Markdown and Syntax highlighting.

Insert Markdown and PrismJS

I still need to learn how to fully take advantage of these items, but I've code the base examples working. I started with grabbing Parsedown. This allows me to use Markdown directly in my php code.

Source: [Parsedown](
\$Parsedown = new Parsedown();\jasen
echo \$Parsedown->text('Jaseowns now has _Parsedown_!');
After I got that working, I was sad that the javascript was not highlighting automagically. The quickest fix was to just find a JS library that worked well with Parsedown out of the box. Insert PrismJS!

Source: [PrismJS](

If this in-fact worked correctly, the above items should be highlighted and the source links look like...
Source: [PrismJS](
Bringing into the new age! is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️