Dealing with Death: 2 months in

Posted Wednesday, Feburary 7th 2024 by Jason Ramsey
It has been a little over two months since my dad passed away.
Even though my dad was an organized guy, I'm still working through his estate. There are times when I've been talking to people and I wish I could just ask him about what he would actually want to do, but unfortunately that is not an option.

I have not returned to the routine I was really enjoying before he got sick. I get mad that I was doing so well and have not been able to recover more quickly. I have so many things I want to do vs what I should be doing and I don't have much energy to do any of it!

This post is to remind myself that it is okay to struggle dealing with a death and we will get back on track when we are ready. Meanwhile I will continue to keep my head above water and try to finalize things that are out of my control.

You got this! is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️