2025 has been on fire so far
Posted Wednesday, February 26th 2025 by Jason Ramsey
My oldest daughter turned 10, my middle daughter was in the hospital and had her gall bladder removed, I've fallen off the routine bandwagon - but it's time to turn this ship around!
Hormone Therapy
On top of all the things going on I've started hormone therapy. I've had low testorone for the last few years and have avoided treatment - but since I've been in this rut I figured I would give it a shot (pun)! I went with the pellet injections and this is almost two weeks in, I don't feel any changes yet besides being a bit more on edge with anger. It can take up to 4-5 months before it really starts to work so let's see how it goes!
Gallbladder Removal for a kid
My wife is in charge for most of the medical stuff related to the children so she was with her in the hospital I was at home with our other kids. Wild times for a week without mom but we survived. My daughter is doing better after the surgery and I apprecate all the well wishes from everyone.
UOAddicts.com and Streaming
I launched the UO Addicts website on Feb 1st, so far so good. You can add your characters and select a server to play. I am working on adding build templates now. Check it out at
https://uoaddicts.com Peace
Jaseowns.com is the online dumping ground of Jason Ramsey and includes ramblings of an internet ⭐ star. He's a streamer, dreamer, developer, gamer, husband and father who has been a nerd owning people on the internet since dial up 🖥️☎️